Thursday, July 14, 2011

Should I just end this frienship or somethin?

Hey guys so I'm 15 and I have a friend who I've known for a few years. She's a year older. Anyway, I used to have fun with her but then she started inviting me to these parties and they're always super lame and a complete buzzkill like with younger kids running around drunk. Just not fun. I don't really find her very chill to be around, either, like she just hangs with grade 9's and younger it's just really weird. And like she gave all these guys sexual favors and they just use her. I think she's trying to go for the "bad girl" look but it just looks really pathetic and she is always embarrassing herself in front of everyone. Last night she coerced me into going to this beach party and I spent a good 2 hours asking the drunk grade 8's to stop throwing sand on my stuff and trying to get this had-too-much-too-handle dude off the ground and somewhere more discreet so no one would call the cops or whatever. What do you think? I mean, I'm in this party scene too, if I have to clarify, but I usually hang with more responsible mature people so this old friend of mine is making me reconsider this whole friendship.

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