Saturday, July 23, 2011

How do i end a family curse.?

i need help. my whole life, our family has joked about having a family curse. we are good natured and good hearted people that help others. it has been our experience that to be such kind people we suffer so much in life. illnesses, financial issues, love issues. i have always known that my grandfather was native american, you can see it in the photos. dark skin, dark hair 100% Cherokee. my sister tried to do a family tree but is unable to trace our lineage beyond our grandfather. my sister has said that when she was younger, our mother had a conversation with my grandfather and he told her that because of problems in the tribe and hard times during very racially tenuous times that he thought it would be best for the family to change his name in hopes of finding a job easier. that said, he requested of another Caucasian family to adopt him and his brother and take on their last name. my father refuses to believe that story, but my mother swears that my grandfather swore that he never told anyone especially his children what happened. he was born in the 1880's and times were harder and different then. i see the indian descent in my family members and my father says that he is sure his father was full blooded indian, which confuses me. i guess he doesn't want to believe that our lineage and heritage could be cast aside so haphazardly. i think it is a pride thing. while we still have a last name that stems from a name similar to a tribal name (profession linked, such as blacksmith, or taylor or boatswain) i don't see where it made a difference in helping but perhaps because it was the last name of a prominent and well known Caucasian family it was more easily accepted. my grandfather has long passed and my mother cannot remember what he said his original last name was. my sister and i believe that in doing so, my grandfather upset the spirits and have cast negative energy down the line. all who share his last name have suffered. many family members have committed suicide. in most cases they went from fine to crazed without any indication. the suicides were not telegraphed in any way. all were shocking and sporadic and without warning or justification. houses have burned, illnesses evolved. once my sister married, her luck has changed. her children lead a good life. for instance i have struggled all my life to become something, all that i wanted to do was difficult or unachievable, however, my nephew, who has different last name followed in my footsteps and is like a carbon copy of me. and his life has been an easy road. it is like he is what i should have been and the spirits have blessed him to show their anger. i would go into more detail, but i wish to keep some level of privacy because i don't want to risk losing the job i have now, or be frowned upon at work and thought to be crazy. if any one can offer advice or a solution it would be greatly appreciated. i have played music for disabled kids, given stuffed animals at christmas to sick and terminal children, have helped the homeless and many other charitable acts all done unselfishly and most done while still an innocent child. age 13-19. the homeless man that i made a care package for christmas was never seen again so that i could give it to him. we later learned that he got drunk and fell off the curb and was hit by a car and later died of his wounds. he was a classmate of my uncle. the same uncle was to marry and while his fiance was out shopping for a dress she was hit and killed by a bus. he never dated another woman out of his love for her. too many things are too coincidental to not have merit. but i have no knowledge in what to do to remove this curse or whatever it may be. i am doing this for my entire family and future generations and not as a selfish act. unfortunately the state that maintains records will not release any information about my grandfather. all i know is he is of a north carolina indian tribe and was well respected. but i am sure that once he turned his back on his heritage the tribe turned their back on him. his intentions were good because the tribe was gaining stigma for causing trouble and for being undesirables. he only did what he thought was right for his family and lineage. i am sure that if he knew the consequences he would have done differently. from what i know this is as accurate as i can explain to you in order to get the help i need. and i know that my grandfather was a great and kind man. for example if someone asked how was his wife and kid he would get insulted and ask them to leave saying that you do not disrespect my family. he would say my wife is fine and my children are fine. but i do not have kids. goats have kids. and all of my family that i was able to meet would give the shirts off their backs and never asked help from anyone. i guess other than my grandfather asking for the help at a fair shake on life.

Do you think I am pregnant?

Yesterday I was at work and my boss came into my office to tell me we had a meeting to go to, so I went to the meeting. The guy showed up almost twenty minutes late, which I thought was ridiculous, then he accidentally spilled hot coffee on my pants. I left to go clean myself off but there was an obvious stain on my pants, so my boss released me to go buy a new pair at a nearby store. When I got to the store, I saw an old college buddy of mine I hadn't talked to for six years so we took a few minutes to catch up and I ended up getting back to my office later than my boss appreciated. He called me into his office where I got a stern talking to then I was suspended from my job for a week. My car would start when I got out to it and I had to call a tow truck to come get me. I didn't get home until almost two hours later. So now I'm wondering, am I pregnant?

Why is it wrong to mildly coerce and manipulate young women into sex when thats how women 'work'?

There must be something wrong with your morals if you have to coerce and manipulate anybody for sex. You sound a little creepy there almost life a predator, since your here asking this question I have a feeling that deep down you know what you have done, or intended to do to some young female is WRONG.

What should my college major be if I want to be a gay rights advocate?

You don't need to go to college to do that. Besides, it would be low paying if you got paid at all, and you'd have trouble paying off student loans.

My email account was hacked and I was permabanned from Piforums. How do I tell this to the Admin?

I'm borrowing my friend's account, Ruckus Jorgee's here, because my Yahoo Account was suspended and my email account was hacked 3 times in 2009. Twice at school and once when I was at home. My profile on Piforums is Super_Max+Lakitu and I haven't gotten it unbanned since I got it banned the second time for rude behavior which I really wanted to apologize for but then my account was hacked and when I tried to defend myself, I was permabanned about a month later. Virtual Headache is the admin and owner of the site and she gave me a 1 month ban in July 2009 and then a permaban in August 2009. It seems really unfair. To see my profile go here.

Can i watch degrassi online ?

I mean live, like the new episode that's on tv, can I watch it online alas its preferring on tv or no. Do I have to wait trill ra old. My mom and stepdad turned off the cable cuz hey want to focus on other thing and 'purge it from our systems' so basically the whole family's tv privileges have been suspended indefinatly. And I will not miss my derassi so please help.

I get depressed about how low my country has become..?

you think this is bad, don't travel to the US. the Us is really a mess. Progressives, liberals took over.the country is in decline.

When is it too early to say "I Love You"?

You will know when the right time to say I love you back will be. If you have to get online and ask when it is appropriate, then odds are you are not quite there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this and it is best never to rush into pushing a relationship further than it is ready to go. If he feels he can say that, then let him and just tell him how you feel and that when the time is right you will dive deeper into the bond you share. I have found that trying to step up a relationship and make it into something it is not will only create problems and could be a step backward, rather than forward. Just express yourself the way you feel and let your boyfriend act how he feels.

Do you know any Cool words that could be "Slanged" easily? Please Help!?

I want a cool name on Xbox and for my usernames on stuff.. can you help me think of some words that can be slanged easily..ex. Physics-Fizzics, Crazed-Krazed, .....

What is it like being a teenage guy?

Okay, so I'm a girl and yeah I've heard that guys think about sex like every 5 seconds but I can't honestly believe that. Even I can't think about something too much, it gets old fast and you move on. I mean, some times I hate sex and want nothing to do with (I'm 15, by the way). So how is it that guys can spend their entire teenage years sex crazed and if so, how do they handle it? I mean, isn't that tiring? Thinking about sex all day. Is it difficult and annoying some times or do guys actually like feeling horny every damn day? I don't get it. How is that even possible? Somebody please enlighten me.

I'm not particularly happy.?

i could go on for hours and hours explaining to you what i know, what i dont know, and what i believe in. (however i still dont know about the whole God thing yet.) so here is a video that i watched that started me on an amazing spirtiual journey. (there are 16 parts) and also this is the guy that i stumbled apon that changed my life

Rescued puppy not walking or responding to food?

We have had our 5-month-old rescued puppy for more than a week now and she still will not walk outside of the yard nor will she eat ANY kind of treat at any time, even indoors. Is there a method to persuading her to want to go for walks? What can be used to coerce/inspire a dog if food won't work? Shouldn't she want to explore, walk around the yard or the house? She seems content to lie down all day, but I'm worried if she does that she will bark all night like she did 3 nights ago. Any suggestions, remedies or people who have had similar experiences?

CM Punk Shoot Promo: Kayfabe or Real?

I mean, they did keep the camera on him the whole time and did keep the mic on longer than they should to begin with when he started shooting. But regardless, that was one badass shoot. Big ups to Punk and thank you Phil Brooks. And if he's really suspended, then why the hell does it matter if he's gonna leave anyways? sXe 4 life.

If I'm on probation, can I switch to house arrest?

I had a DUI a couple months back which involved me crashing my motorcycle. I had the option of house arrest and a 6-12 month license suspension or 6 months of probation and a 60 day license impoundment. I chose my probation because then I can get my license back quicker and be back on my motorcycle quicker. Turns out my license is suspended for 6 months anyways do to too many points being removed. Now I'd rather just do house arrest since my license is suspended for 6 months anyways and not have to worry about all the probation stuff. Can I switch to house arrest?

I got caught driving with a suspended license (not DUI related),should i seek legal counsel?

I recently got my car impounded for driving with a suspended license (not DUI related). Will i get jail time or will i still have the opportunity to get a restricted license for work/school purposes(i didn't know i had the option before)?I already began researching online but with all the "paragraph, subdivision, V C sections & chapters" it gets a little confusing. Is it a must to seek legal counsel?

Can I retract my statement of theft?

They don't have any legal obligation to show you the evidence they possess. The would only be required to disclose evidence to the police/court if they decide to prosecute you for the crime. A lawyer might be able to help get the confession retracted but it is highly unlikely, and you would need quite a bit of money to pay them to do so.

What would you do if?

first of all sorry about what happened now if he doesnt want to accept the fact that your not ready then leave if its that much of a problem for him there are plenty more guys out there ok? its not worth it dont ever feel like you have to just because he wants to its not worth it your a human being that can make their own decisions and if your decision is to not have sex then dont he needs to get over it

When your account is suspended, does that mean they deleted it?

Yes, 'suspended' means deleted, closed, gone for good. Yahoo can delete only your Answers account or your entire account including Mail, Messenger, Flickr etc.

How many calories should i eat to lose weight?

A normal teenage girl should eat between 1500-2000 calories between. Eat when you're hungry, try to stick to fruits and don't indulge on anything sweat until you've tried drinking first (most times people mix hunger and thirst) and have eaten a healthy substitute. However, it won't destroy you to reward yourself once in a while.

How is adoption selfish?

I myself have never had any personal experience with adoption so forgive me if I offend any of you but what I'm noticing lately is that a lot of people are becoming anti-adoption. Now in a circumstance where a girl who is willing to sacrifice whatever she needs to in order to parent and give her child a good and stable life, who is bullied and coerced by her family members or adoption agencies into surrendering her child, is not okay in any way, shape, or form. But in a situation where a mother does not want to take care of the child (not can't, won't) how is her giving her child up for adoption selfish? Why should she have to mother the child? Yeah, she should have thought about that before having sex but in reality contraception fails, and telling people just don't have sex or don't get pregnant usually doesn't work. I mean either give the child to people that want to have a child and can take care of it and most importantly love the child, or have the birth mother take care of it and possibly give 18 years of hell and lifelong problems? I know some children who were adopted have issues because of their adoption and their birth parents, but I still don't get why its selfish. Why would you want the child to grow up feeling unloved and unwanted? Why "punish" the mother with a child? Punishment is standing in the corner, a kid isn't. A child should be loved and wanted not tortured because of someone else's mistake. Why not give the child to someone that will love it? (And yes I am aware that adoption won't guarantee the child will have a "better" life but at least it has a chance versus being with parents that don't want it. And don't say "every mother loves their child unless she's depressed or something" that's crap. Tell yourself that if you want to but it does happen sadly.)

Does Justin Bieber have a tattoo?

I'm not a justin bieber fan at all. i just want to let everyone know that but yes he does, it's like a bird or something on his hip. I ONLY KNOW THIS BECAUSE A TON OF MY FRIENDS LIKE HIM. IM NOT A FAN NOR WILL I EVER BE

Antipsychotics ruined me?

ok about a year ago i was feeling like i was from a different planet or something. i was EXTREMELY creative and all i did was listen to music and drink tea. my weight dropped down to about 145 pounds. i know some people refer to this as mania, but in retrospect i think i had "found" myself. i started to "see things" and hear voices, which i think were supernatural. long story shirt i ended up in the hospital after running down the street thinking police were coming to get me. i was coerced into taking medication, they basically said i had to follow their rules to get out. i stopped taking the meds right after i got out. i'm so different from everyone, the people at the programs they were sending me to thought i was crazy and sent me back to the hospital. i took zyprexa for about 4 months and now i feel like a completely different person. i have no creativity. i no longer think outside the box. i catch myself forgetting things or doing stupid things. and everyone around me has noticed the change so they know somethings up. its very embarrassing for me. now i feel extremely self conscience. i used to have very high self esteem. i want to just move away so i stop running into people i know. any advice?

Does anyone else get sad about how low the UK has become?

I live in Norway, and it's funny that you call Norway "tiny", considering that mainland Norway is vastly larger (in area) than all of Britain. Per capita GDP is vastly higher than in Britain. Sure, we're not even 5 million people, but we're doing quite well for ourselves. We have the largest national pension fund on the planet, leaps and bounds above anything Britain could muster up. And recently, Britain sold Norway one of your most prestigious streets. We own a chunk of Britain. In addition, we supply the majority of Europe with oil and gas, including Britain. Britain is in fact dependent on Norway for its oil and gas supplies.

Anyone agree with me that the UK is a shadow of its former self?

100% right that's socialism , lowest standard in everything, a dumbed down population that depends on the government for everything

Will my license be suspended in michigan?

Im 19, I have 12 point on my lisence sice 2008, and 8 points in the past 2 years. Will my license be suspended?

Secretly loving your best female friend?

We're boy and girl and we're best friends. We just finished our first year of college. At one point we had a short fling after she broke up with her bf, i could tell she was getting tired of him and eventually ended it. Anyways, stuff happened and she got a boyfriend 3 or 4 months ago. I guess i still held feelings for her and still do though not as much. She's my best friend and aside from her boyfriend I'm second closest to her. We're so close in fact that people find it strange how much time we spend alone and what we do, but she's comfortable with it as am i because of what we are. But sometimes the love-crazed side of her takes over and she devotes everything to her bf. Ive written whole papers for her, stayed up all nite to wait for her texts, but if something is inconvenient for her she can seem a different person. She'll txt me but it wont be the same, txts that resemble status updates and mere acknowledgements to what i say, and i know on the otherside she's having a meaningful convo with her significant other. Thats just an example, and things like that torture me everyday tho i try not the think so much about them. im sure people have experienced something like this... how can i get over it? I feel when im with her or having a great convo with her i dont even need a gf

What happens to a person who gets caught driving with a suspended drivers license in IL?.?

Do they get jail time, a fine , or both ?.. The insurance dint specify what type of insurance i needed there for i got regular insurance but i needed sr22. Then one day i got pulled over for no seat belt, while the cop check out my license it turn out that my driver license was suspended because of the insurance. They took my license gave me a tickets and was told to show up to court on so xx date..They also took my car away :(.. i got the car back and called the insurance where they change my insurance to sr22 and my license is not suspended anymore i still have court , so my question is do i have to save my nickles and dimes or invest in cigarettes and shanks ?.. thank you this information will be really helpful to me . :D ,, i cant sleep at night ..

If i drive myself to go pay this ticket will i get into trouble?

If this is your first ticket ever how did you get a suspended license? As far as I am aware no state ssuspend licenses for the first speeding offense

Girlfriend thinks I coerced her into having an abortion, what can I do to make her think otherwise?

We're both 24, have been dating for 7months, loved each other immensely, agreed beforehand to have an abortion if she ever got pregnant. She ended up getting pregnant and telling me she wanted to have it. We talked about about it and both agreed to have an abortion since I just graduated college and haven't found a job and live with my parents. She is on unemployment and stays with me at my parents place. We eventually had the abortion and now she tells me that she feels I coerced her and made her do it. She says she did it for me. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Our relationship was perfect up until this point and now I fear it's going to end. What can I possibly do?

I have come across some Chinese people (in real life and online) who vehemently hate Japanese people for what?

"they've done in the past." Aside from the fact that the Japanese government now supports and provide extensive financial aid to China, why is that these people do not hate British people? Britain did loads of horrible things during and before the Opium War, and after the war, they coerced the Chinese government to sign unfair treaties and kept people being addicted to Opium, not to mention that they took away Hong Kong under its hegemony. So why is this?

Why is Naruto so popular?

Okay, so let me tell you(the big bang) OMG, sorry I just can't wait to write Miley Cyrus song Which I am listening The Big Bang, Okay. . . so, um, Its really nice, not my favorite but actually it got really nice background musics, ha-ha that attracts me the most(weird, right?). Okay, but it still got a really dark, and mysterious, lonely, revenge, love(as usual) thingie going on in the current episode 214, you shouldn't just judge it just after reading a little about it. The big big bang, the reason I'm alive. When all the stars collide, in this universe inside. The big big bang (whistling) ugh, sorry again. but I guess you should listen it as well. And ruin this song, thats how I do, so that i can enjoy, have fun you know..=D

Friday, July 22, 2011

Looking for a collection of scary children's stories?

Not sure when they came out, so this may not be the right set, but R. L. Stein (Stine?) did a whole bunch of horror stories for kids.

An elderly lady I was helping out gave me a gift of money 3 yrs ago. We had been friends for a year prior.?

Me and my husband and family have been helping her out for about a year when she gave the gift. This has continued for about 3 yrs after the gift. I do all of her shopping. Take her to her appts. Set up her pills for her in a weekly pill box. Also we have bought her a microwave, stainless steel toaster, desk phone with 3 cordless extension phones so she could have aphone in every room. I also purchased her cell phone and paid for the service for one year. My husband installed new kitchen faucet, bath faucet and shower head. He paid for these himself. Recently we had a falling out with this lady. She had become more demanding of our time and I started taking a step back and decided that I couldnt take care of her anymore. I also work full time and have 4 children. I told her that I needed to scale back on some responsibilities because it was overwhelming. She was very mad and we stopped talking 2 months ago. Recently a police detective contacted me and said that this elderly woman claimed I had coerced her to give me the money 3 yrs ago. This was a completed lie. She is just hurt and wants the money back after everything I had done for her. Im worried because I dont want to be prosecuted for taking advantage of the elderly as this deteective insinuated. What should I do. Bye the way ..the gift was 14,000. I was completely surprised when she gave it to us and she insisted that it would help her out with her taxes and she gave it to us the last week in december 3 yrs ago. What should I do?


i purge 1 or 2 times a week,i did today and i also starve myself as much as possible . today i had special k cereal, a large salad, orange juice(small glass) and about 2 tiny snacks throughout the day which is A LOT for me . i am very upset about how much i ate . but i now have a crazing for nutella . if i have a spoonfull wouldthis be bad ??? :( :(

Since it is proven that Jesus is the son of God then why do people choose to go to hell?

Since the ABSOLUTE FACT that Jesus is the son of God has been IRREFUTABLY PROVEN to us why do so many people feel that it is a good idea to go to hell to be tortured forever and ever. I mean EVERYBODY KNOWS that Jesus is the son of God since the bible tells us so and people still believe it is better to burn throuhout eternity than to believe in a man who coerces his followers to love and believe in him. Yeah, you got me you christian dumbphucks with that same old lameass argument I have heard a million times. You confuse your brainwashed faith with hard concrete evidence. You cannot prove that Jesus is the truth therefore you are pretty much telling me I will go to hell for not sharing your beliefs. Why would I want to lower myself to your levels and believe in something so profoundly stupid and contradictory?

What did you think of the CM Punk Promo?

I loved it even if it was scripted i think this could change wwe in a way but not much or either cena well stand up to mr mcmahon for suspending punk and just keep living up to kissing *** as Super cena. IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!

How to stop cutting help?

hi i am a sweet girl i am in high school i was really bullied really badly when i was little i am really short and sometimes i still get bullied my mom yells at me about my weight i wont2 die last week i start cutting not 2 long a go i have a disability no1 know i cut my self i hate when people tell me i need help or that i am craze and i was Sexual assaults when i was in 3 grade some told my mom that i made them do it and i did not it made me and my mom hard 2 get along i get mistreated mistaken when i ask 4 some1 help they don't believe me i cut so small i wont2 be a singer/actress but been told i am not that good i cant hold on 2 me i wont2 die but so bad but 2 scared 2 i just start cutting with a reazor i am so scared i do thing with out thinking people call me there little angel because i am so sweet i have no1 2 talk 2 my so call friends never text me or ask me 2 hang out just 1 time i would be JR and 18teen soon so should i tell my mom that i am cutting when i am 18ten because she cant do anything every dream i have i feel like it would not come true i am so sick of being sad alone i may seem happy okay mabe a little but i am not i am going 2 be a leader 4 a speical ed camp 4 kids like me it made me happy they say i did better then the pay leader i have freckles and green eyes mixed with bule in them i get call ugly stuipd girl reatred i wont 2 die when some1 say i need help it make me wont 2 more as weird as that sound i know i can i have stop cutting i list 2 music when i feel like comited suicde you know when you overdose you get dizzy ? will i spend my self around when i feel like overdose or wright song and sing them but i still feel like dieing and cutting my famliy yells at me about my weight so i stop eating 4 an hour then eat agin so i would not be anerxice i feel like my dreams are important to help out other like me i cant see a coualser i am scared that she will tell my mom it just me and my mom but she make me feel worthless when she get made at me she call me worthless paice of sh** i get scared she is a good mom but i am so stress out so is she i know she act like i don't help out around i do talk 2 God he help me when i need 2 feel peace but i wont 2 die should i tell my mom how i feel ?i know i am sick Thank ya"ll 4 your help God bless :)

Why do you think Nate Marquardt got fired from the UFC?

i bet he contracted herpes or something and didnt get himself treated. If its so sensitive that theyre not going to outright say what it was, i can only assume it is an 'embarassing' health condition he contracted. On the other hand, nate is supposedley fessing up what caused him to fail tomorrow (tuesday) via twitter.

Does this happen to anyone elses cat?

When i go to youtube and i go to a video that has a cat meowing she goes crazing and jumps on the computer and rubs my head. She is 8-9 years old

Is it possible to be coerced into playing mind games with someone?

No, you cannot be co-erced into anything. Anything you choose to do or feel is your responsibility. You may have buttons that people can push, but only you can choose to feel the way you feel, or to have those buttons in the first place.

What happens to a person who gets cought driving with a suspended drivers lisence in IL?.?

Do they get jail time, a fine , or both ?.. The insurance dint specify what type of insurance i needed there for i got regular insurance but i needed sr22. Then one day i got pulled over for no seat belt, while the cop check out my license it turn out that my driver license was suspended because of the insurance. They took my license gave me a tickets and was told to show up to court on so xx date..They also took my car away :(.. i got the car back and called the insurance where they change my insurance to sr22 and my license is not suspended anymore i still have court , so my question is do i have to save my nickles and dimes or invest in cigarettes and shanks ?.. thank you this information will be really helpful to me . :D ,, i cant sleep at night ..

Guys is it personal or will it always be like this for me?

At first yes. No matter who you look at you will see their body first. But then you get to hearing them and their personality (which can completely ruin your view of them if their b**chy)

Ok so what is the BIG deal? Why is he passively bringing up an old issue about wedding rings?

you know him better than we do. We can't get into his head. I would just straight up ask him what his problem is anf if you could work on a solution. Yes from the little I know of him, it sounds like a control issue. He wants you to be marked with a ring but he is free to wear a ring as he pleases. You did nothing wrong. Sounds like he is being passive and dancing around the issue because he doesnt have leg to stand on! He wants you to wear your ring but will not come out and ask or demand you to because he is not reciprocating. Society has been condoning this behavior for years and years, women wear engement rings and men still have no "marking" of being engaged until after the wedding. I would leave it be. You won. Gave him a tatse of his own medicine and it doesnt feel good! If he starts wearing his ring again, say nothing and put yours back on a few days later. Or you can bring it up and have a long drawn out discussion. But either way, he is in no position to demand things or make you feel bad. He is trying to bully you into putting it back on. Don't get sucked in.

Bath salts, new craze? whats it like?

I'm not talking about the stuff to make your tubbytime nice. I've been hearing of "bathsalts" a lot lately. Could someone whos tried them give me a rundown of what the effects are, doses, best way to administer, length of effects, where to buy, what its comparable to(I've heard cocaine, meth, lsd, mushrooms which is a hugh variety of drugs with very different effects :?), and the name of your preffered kind. And these are legal fyi people who don't know that.

This country is ruined...?

You have a lot to say considering your only 15, you should become a politician when your older. For now my friend just enjoy yourself, get laid, smoke weed & peace!

How can i win my unemployment appeal?

I was suppose to do overtime starting 4 hours before my scheduled shift but didn't come in to work until my regular shift. The HR manager told me it was a write up as usual, clocked in,worked 45 minutes and then was told I was terminated. Before clocking out she changed her mind and said I was suspended, then she called two days later saying I was fired again. The company is appealing my unemployment stating I was given a tardy and that was my final tardy. In the company handbook it states when u don't do overtime it is a write up and you have to refuse 3 times before terminated and that was my 1st. How can I win?

Anyone else sick of the vampire craze?

after vampires (which is very slowly making it's way out) is coming angels, fallen angels adn archangels, so get used to the paranormal, it's sticking around!

My childs adoptive mother is demanding visits with my new son the adoption was closed,?

I am a Native American my daughter was adopted after I was told I had to sign my rights away. I think the Foster parent and the county worked together to get her my baby. 4 years later I had my son, CPS took him at birth (the county broke all the Indian Child Welfare laws and gave him to the people who had adopted my daughter). When the family was told they had to give him back they hid him on the reservation for 10 days. They had changed his name and were prepared to keep him. The court returned him to his father at first. (the father is white). The FP petitioned the court for sibling visits while the child was in his fathers care. When my son was returned to me all I was told that the visits would be up to me as the they were my children. These were not sibling visits they were a way for the former foster parent to have access to my child. This FP has told the daughter he is her brother not because I am her mother but because they want the child. They have taken the child with out my permission across county lines, not responded to my calls, i have no idea where they live. They kept my child for over 24 hrs. I was afraid they would never return my son.I no longer want them to be near my son. Now they are coercing the father to allow visits without my knowledge or permission. They are threatening him and telling him they can take my child. He is afraid to go against them. I will gladly allow visits in my home only and with out the parents. If sibling visits is really their agenda.

Most of the problems in R&S are caused by theists, so how are they morally superior as they like to claim?

According to them they're morally superior because they believe in their god but we know that believing in god does not make a person better. If it's true that believing in god make people better than rape, murder or would be down in religious communities.

DMV will Suspend my license for 1 year due to police Errors ?

I have a huge problem. I have a DUI and tht is stressful enough. The problem is the cop who reported that I consented to a urine sample last month and they sent it off for testing has now changed his police report to refusal. Yes I had a drink but now my license might be suspended for a year because he doesn't have a urine sample! What can i do i have the original traffic reprt that states I gave a urine (the DMV would have normally suspended me for under that amount of time) I have a lawyer I havent talked to him yet my arraignment was this morning. They didnt have my paperwork ready. But when they got it ready I was Shocked @ the refusal

Spiritually speaking, aren't all governments terrorist entities?

i remember getting mad during the iraq and afganistan invasion when i was in high school, one of the guys in the dormitory had posters about how bush was the real terrorist. it really pissed me off at the time, but now when i look at things, the only reason all governments aren't terrorists is because other governments agree with them.

Why is my cat acting so aggressive?

i thought also it was the smell that triggered him to act so crazed out. But yes I think that so because when Oliver and Finn used to get at it , there wasn't know hissing and yowling going on but yes I think that is the problem. Did you also know that other animals (cats) get mistaken cause of one little thing? Did Oliver noticed the wood stain? If he did Oliver would have got triggered by the consuming he was a another cat. Try getting the wood stain off as soon as possible!

Don't the Montreal Canadiens fans make you sick sometimes?

As a fellow leafs fan i can see that the fans calling for Charas head aren't real montreal canadian hockey fans there the equivalent to the leafs fan that think they can trade for Crosby,Stamkos or Gretzky just to an extreme level and i agree with Texhabs fan if it did happen to say Kulemin overeacting leaf fans would probably be doing the same thing or worse.

Presents for 21st Birthday.?

Idk but at his party you should hve him say alright everyone who's ready for the drinking. Then have him hand out bottled water

Simple harmonic motion?

A spring constant of k = 11.75 N/m is hung vertically. A 0.500 kg mass is suspended from the spring. What is the displacement of the end of the spring due to the weight of the 0.500 kg mass?

Who else is sick of justin bieber?! ?

Im soooooo SO. Tired of him like I used to love him but all his obsessed crazed fans have driven me up the wall im so tired of Justin Bieber EVERYWHERE GAH!!! I still like his music but jeez....Taylor lautners way hotter :)

Is anyone as amazed at the wealth of knowledge that xtians have as I am?

Seriously, these people must KNOW everything!! They dont even need logic, reason, common sense, hard concrete proof, or even a personal testimony regarding Christ to KNOW that he is the only way to heaven. They can explain away every single evil act that God has ordered his followers to commit which include rape, torture, genocide, cannabalism, murder,etc with their famous your taking it out of context argument and for the christains who don't know their bible I am not making this up--just read the old testament. Somehow since they are sooo spiritually intuned they are able to comprehend the bible in a way that a non believer cannot and can easily explain away every contradiction, fallacy, lie, and fairytale of a story that is written in the bible. They can even read minds. I know this for they tell me that I am choosing to burn in hell for not believing in Jesus even though I think that it's difficult to choose to go to a place I dont even believe in but whom am I to question these genius christians. They have shown me the error of my ways and made me realize that Jesus does not coerce us into loving him even though he threatens to torture us forever for not loving him. I guess I am just misunderstanding the allmighty and unconditional love that God shows us if we just happen to be among the lucky few who happen to choose the right religion. Yes he is such a mercifull God towards the few who happen to believe the right way. Christians have ALL the answers and they can actually prove it by quoting verses from the bible which they say they KNOW is the divine word of God. They have so much faith that everything they say just so happens to be a fact which gives them the authority to decide who goes to hell and who doesn't. I am so amazed at their flawless logic which is not the least bit circular in nature. I am a believer!!

Anyone need help with Xbox 360 games?

If you want to, we can, I have halo 3, ODST, and Reach. My gamertag is HellSoldier 117. Just like that. Yes, this is the HellSoldier that everyone has heard of.

Pervert Thomson keeps his job at Hearts ....?

Hearts nickname is the jammy dodgers isn't it? sex scandals are part of the game, as long as you can kick a ball you're untouchable by the club. Makes no sense keeping a player on the payroll that will make people burn their season tickets or cancel their subscription to the club.

Wow account hacked!pls help me?

Just contact Blizzard, go to support there is a whole section on what to do if hacked here's a link. The best thing you can do is just remain calm. Here's the link a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Did CM Punk just cut one of the greatest promos you've ever seen?

That was awesome. Great promo. He just suspended reality for even the greatest of skeptics. Those are the kinds of moments that won't let me walk away

What do you think of this article about the Supreme Court and crack cocaine case?

I guess the good news is we know they aren't using any...As far as being on a substance or under it's influence and committing some heinous act, the argument of whether it caused or made you do it should be irrelevant...You chose to use it and be under it's influence and therefore accountable, unless it was somehow slipped to you without your knowledge or choice.

Afraid of being abused by my boyfriend?

The porn isn't a huge deal because all men watch porn but the fact that he is trying to coerce a minor in thailand and is going there for a "business trip" doesn't seem like much of a coincidence. Plus he has a bad temper and if he found out you had a friend spy on his computer something bad could happen. He sounds like a loser i think you should dump his ***

What causes more emotional damage to kids; violent video games or stories about how Jesus was crucified?

Death by crucifixion is a very barbaric form of punishment and yet for many generations, kids have been coerced into picturing this image in their young, impressionable minds. Mel Gibson even made a movie about it and I wouldn't be surprised if some Christians force their children to watch it with the intention of shocking them into being Christian. Christianity did progress out of the Dark Ages, but not as far as you think. And this is what it all comes down to, right? The barbaric story of Jesus' crucifixion is designed to shock children into being Christian, isn't it?

15 my bf got me pregnant and now HES IN JAIL please please help?

K so I'm sam. And rileys my boyfriend he's 17 we met in a werid way.. I live in florida he lived in new j my bestfriend told him my number. We honestley fell in love. After 6 months of talking he came and saw me. He wasn't a perve he respected me! Problem is , he's in a gang. So he got in trouble all I know is he's in juvie I don't no how long. His phones suspended. When he was down here he took my virginity ALL MY IDEA and I'm having his baby. I love him so much everytime I think about my spanish boy I cry. What am I suppose to do? This is just so hard. I don't care what yall say I DO LOVE HIM I'm just so lost an confused please gimme advice /:

Traffic ticket from 2008 is causing my license to begin suspension in 2011, is this legal?

I had received a traffic ticket in 2008 and now I am just receiving a notice in the mail that I will have my drivers license suspended starting now in 2011 and ending in 2013. My license was previously suspended for 2 years back in 2009 and just ended last week. I'm just wonder what the deal is here...

Why is it exactly that makes people nuts over facebook and twitter?

Facebook is more about the exclusivity of the social experience. It allows you to become very granular about security on what people can see about you and who you're connected to. You can be as open OR as private as you want with who you want, or not at all. Twitter is dumb.

I had an argument with a lady on here about my alcohol issues and she made me very upset and I feel like throw?

-ing something right now that b*tch made me so upset that I am so mad I feel like trashing everything down. She told me that I have a severe problem with alcohol and that she really hopes I go to AA I responded this to her "I do not want to go to AA because AA teaches a lifetime unrealistic abstaince to alcohol goal and I do not want complete abstiance to alcohol no matter what the event is and I will cause a very huge scene on christmas and new years if my mom and relatives will be able to enjoy champagne and I would have to drink something else I will ruin all their holidays and not them celebrate in peace I will cause fights if they can drink and I can't i will pick up knives and try to stab them all the hearts due to jealousy that they can enjoy alcohol on christmas and I have to drink water like a little underage girl and also I wont be happy if on my birthday I wont be able to have a bottle of champagne to celebrate my birthday and I will like a child on my birthday if I can't have alcohol" she said "if you can't live without alcohol then you are an alcoholic and I know you do not want to admit it but sometimes the truth hurts and you probably are killing yourself at your pace you'll probably die at 40 maybe even sooner then that I really do not care if you go to AA or not and I bet nobody does it's just that I have had several alcoholics in my family too and I know they are all a pain in the a*s and you are probably a low life and most likely no one even cares about you but oh well" she disrespected me and said that if I don't agree to never drink again for the rest of my life and to not go to AA that I am an alcoholic I mean how ridiculous is that? what kind of sh*t is that??? I mean everyone drinks on special occasions sometimes some people even drink to get drunk or tipsy and if what she said is really true then over 50% of the world are alcoholics did she have a right to say what she had said?? I hate this b*tch for everything she said and I hope she dies next year I hope god punishes her for talking to people in this way. I did not deserve any of the things she said including the part where she said I'll be dead before I am 40 and I want to report what she said about the death before 40 to Y/A will they suspend her account for saying this?

Is this behavior abusive?


Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?

It comes down to he said, she said. The only thing we know was that he was a great religious teacher, who then died. If everyone could just accept that, then the world would be a better place. He doesn't have to be the son of god to be a great person who showed others how to lead there lives with goodness in their hearts. Even though he planted a lot of evil too, e.g. homophobia.

Find the tension in the left string?

A block of mass M = 10 kg is attached to a massless ring that is suspended by two strings to walls as shown in the figure. Each string makes an angle θ = 40° to the horizontal. What is TL, the tension in the left string?

Are foreign blacks more tolerant of mixed people than American blacks?

Let me first start off by saying I'm African American but I think a lot of American blacks are ignorant when it comes to mixed people. A lot of them seem to force mixed blacks to choose a side and claim their black side over their non black side ESPECIALLY with half black half white children etc. I think a lot of mixed people just want to say "I'm half black half whatever." but feel so constrained and are almost coerced into identifying and favoring the blackness over their other side. I find it horrible and disgraceful A lot of American blacks seem to be stuck in the past and still so by physical appearance of a mixed person & the 1 drop rule from ages ago. I don't the physical doesn't change Dna structure and it doesn't matter how "black" or "white" someone looks our racial identity doesn't go by how we "look" it goes by which group or group(s) we're related to.

POLL: Why do Teenage moms and High School Dropouts get a bad rep in our society?

Kids who get suspended or expelled or go straight to a JR college after high school do as well. Why?

When is it too early to say "I Love You"?

I know people who've been in a relationship and said 'I love you' the next day. Literally. And he's probably felt like that for some time or ages? And decided to say it now. :)

Do you think Ed Miliband is really ready for marriage?

What all this Mumbo-Jumbo and Psycho-babble means is..............we think I'll get more votes if I "go through the motions" of getting married

Gears of War for Windows PC - Can't create profile?

I am trying to play Gears of war from last two years but some how i end up with some profile login **** and quit. every 6 months the craze again bring me to install and run if some how i found the previous solution new problem occurs. I know game is old but still i like to play it but i can not save game as the PROFILE thing doesnt come up in the game. what is the solution? i am ready to follow all steps but please some 1 guide me.

So confused . . .. . .. . .not sure if i should say something to this guy . . .. . 2 Qs please help?

I think you should choose the 2nd guy, he sounds waaaayyyy better than the first one. And us guys like it when girls are straight forward with us. No hinting, were stupid. So just come straight forward with him.

Why can't atheists be coerced?

ever wonder about that? if a claim is true, does it really take a threat of eternal torture to promote it?

What would you rate my essay, A, B,C etc.?

I would give it a B.I wrote my essays just like you and I always got a B. But the reason was that I didn't have enough parenthetical references.I think you could use some more of that and you could add a little bit more analysis to your individual paragraphs

Can anyone advise on Scottish law, or tell me where to find an appropriate lawyer in area?

over 2 years ago, left abusive ex. and was coerced into signing paper to say would not make claim on jointly owned property! Took some money, personal property and car, which was in my name. recently had communication from his lawyer, regarding possible sale which can't go ahead without me signing off on property legally..I saw lawyer here in England, and she thought was prob entitled to he cannot sell without my signing, but she had to bow out when he threatened me with legal action, GOD knows what for, as she has no knowledge of Scottish law. As he has offered a paltry �5000, before threatening legal action, I feel he is bluffing, but can hardly afford to take the risk without proper advice. Advice anyone?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I got into a bad car accident and was rushed off to the hospital can I sue?

I got into a car accident because of a defective feature on the car. I blacked out during most of it, but I remember hitting my head but Im not sure what I hit it on. The airbags did not go off so it is assumed that I hit my head on the steering wheel. The car is a brand new 2011 Dodge Challenger and NOTHING should have been wrong with the car at all (One of the wheels just popped off after an episode of violent shaking). My 4 year old son and I were rushed off to the hospital in an ambulance. My son was checked out first and they said there was absolutely nothing wrong with him (according to paramedics the car seat was strapped down so well, that it didnt even move during the whole ordeal). I, on the other hand, had a concussion and severe case of whiplash (thank god for seatbelts). I was pretty lucky considering the extent of the damage. Anyways, while I was at the hospital recovering, the officer who was at the scene of my accident came in and handed me a citation for something like having an unsafe vehilce (stupid) and a ticket for a suspended license. I had no idea my license was suspended and had no reason to think I did because a couple weeks earlier I had been at a road block and the ran my name in the system because I didnt have my license on me. They told me I had a warrant for an FTA on a speeding ticket, but that was all. They didnt say anything a bout a suspended license and they let me go. I called the DMV and they said my license has been suspended since January of this year!!! So I was shocked to hear that because I hadnt received any mail letting me know anything about..... ANYTHING. I was planning on getting a lawyer and suing Dodge for the defective car they sold me and they damages done to my neck and head and emotional blah blah (you know the works). But will this license suspension be a big issue? How much does it affect the case since I didnt receive any letters about the suspension and the whole road block issue with nobody telling me my license was suspended. And if my license was suspended since the begining of January and I bought the car (and insurance) in April, how come the suspension didnt show up then? Im confused.... Please help

Collecting tapers/stretchers/gauges with NO stretched ears? Stupid or what?

Maybe having all those tapers around for so long she will eventually want to use one? Cool collection though, haven't heard of that before.

My sister's been very strange?

I'm no Doctor but she may be suffering from schizophrenia. I think that she may need to see a psychiatrist, and maybe you and your family need to do some type on intervention if you think it's drugs. Hope that helps.

Hypothetical situation: what would you do?

In this situation I would suggest that you would have spoken with your niece before she went into labor and all the chaos happened. You should talk to her not listen to what her parents are telling you. I would give the baby back if she had no say in this (:

Does this paragraph contain enough Parallelism?

The Phoenix Program was a counter insurgency program run by the United States during the Vietnam War with the aims of destroying the civilian infrastructure of Viet Cong. Vietcong, which was a mobile, smaller, and a more sophisticated network of the ordinary Communist army, had methodically created shadow government in small but critical areas of South Vietnam rapidly converting populations more perceptive to Communism. To combat this situation, the United States created Phoenix, which consisted of two major components, Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRU) and regional interrogation centers. The former would kill/capture civilians suspected of beholding knowledge of Viet Cong’s activity. They then would be transported to close by interrogation centers, where barbaric and harsh methods such as rape, and mutilation of tongue would be employed to coerce suspected knowledge. The program was very successful in destroying the civilian infrastructure of its enemy, though most victims turned out to be innocent citizens. Around 81,740 were “neutralized” meaning either convinced to denounce Communism, forcefully brought under control or killed. The latter thought to be around 26,369 deaths. The program was shut down after public scrutiny.

Had a sudden extreme case of sex craving?

So I saw a pretty looking girl and all of a sudden my body just went crazy. I went stiff and wanted to make out with her and rip off her clothes. It was extreme and this feeling lasted even after I couldn't see her anymore. I see a lot of girls hotter than this lady and I don't get all sex crazed like I did with this girl. Why is it so random?

I am a lesbian... now what?

i remember when lonely was my middle name... i know how you feel hon. if you truly are lesbian you just need to accept and embrace it, look around your area and hunt for fellow lesbians and get into a relationship. you need to learn to break out of your "fashion show" mood and learn to touch and taste. relationships arent as scary as you think, you just need to learn to trust people and go with your gut. best of luck love! :)

Which states in the northern US do you think are the most hockey crazed, and has more hockey fan freaks?

I'd say Michigan, Minnesota, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Colorado though not geographically north, but have strong, cold winters. Do you know any southern states that might have a fairly decent fanbase?

How to get over finding out your dad watches porn?

Oh gawd, I'm really traumatized now. I just went up to our upstairs computer to check my grades, and once I log out, I get this whole other window of some girl....ughhh....and then it all hit me o.o.....HOW CAN I GET THIS OUT OF MY MIND. I've always looked up to my dad, but now I see him somewhat on the same level as the hormone-crazed guys at my school....

Is there a name for this? other than being a crazed lunatic?

is there an actual medical term for a person who often pretends to be sick or dying, and they know nothing is wrong with them but they just act like they are majorly ill or about to die in order to get attention and sympathy? I know someone who does this often and it has been years and not once has he ever actually been hurt or ill or gone to the doctor/ER. Its all just made up bullshit to try and get me to give him sympathy. its different from hypochondria because i know he knows full well that nothing is wrong.

Should I just end this frienship or somethin?

Hey guys so I'm 15 and I have a friend who I've known for a few years. She's a year older. Anyway, I used to have fun with her but then she started inviting me to these parties and they're always super lame and a complete buzzkill like with younger kids running around drunk. Just not fun. I don't really find her very chill to be around, either, like she just hangs with grade 9's and younger it's just really weird. And like she gave all these guys sexual favors and they just use her. I think she's trying to go for the "bad girl" look but it just looks really pathetic and she is always embarrassing herself in front of everyone. Last night she coerced me into going to this beach party and I spent a good 2 hours asking the drunk grade 8's to stop throwing sand on my stuff and trying to get this had-too-much-too-handle dude off the ground and somewhere more discreet so no one would call the cops or whatever. What do you think? I mean, I'm in this party scene too, if I have to clarify, but I usually hang with more responsible mature people so this old friend of mine is making me reconsider this whole friendship

Really Want My Keyboard Back! Am I Allowed To Ask?

Don't discount what someone says because of there age. I have known some pritty smart teens. And some dumb adults. And the other way around. I would ask for it back. I mean the thing had to have cost $200. Learn to say NO. If he starts to make advances at you be like "dude, no. I don't swing that way."

Would 22 be a better age minimum for joining the military than 18?

I feel like a lot of young people are coerced into joining right out of high school because they feel like it's the only way they can afford college or the only way they can make something of themselves. At 18 a person's brain isn't even fully developed yet and I feel like a lot of them join the military without really grasping the reality of the decision they are making - they get swept up with what the recruiters are saying and they are just thinking about getting college paid for and not having to work at McDonalds, etc. Plus you aren't even allowed to buy a beer at 18 but you are allowed to donate your life to the whims of the US military leaders?

How long is a temporary suspension on xbox live?

It's a 24 hour ban so it will end at 8:01 PM tomorrow. Censoring your words with asterisks does not keep you from getting banned.

Should i divorce/ have divorced my wife?

Ill start from the beginning. me and my wife were dating for about a year of and on before i left to join the army. After basic training and AIT, We decided that shoudl would meet me at my 2nd AIT and we would live togerther. neither one of us had money. Realizing this, about a month before we were supposed to move, i expressed my feelings about her moving with me so fast. We had no money, nowhere for her to live(she couldnt live in the barracks, because we were not married). Any who, when i expressed my feelings she just kinda brushed it off. So, me and her arrive at my new duty station, 500 bucks in my pocket, and to my name. We stayed in an extended stay hotel for a while, but afer 2 weeks, i didnt have money to sustain us anymore. on top of the stress about where we were going to live, i was new to the army, and was also a student. with the little bit of money i had left, i proposed that she move back home, and lets wait a while and move in together after we got our money situation correct. She tod me that she was not going back home and that we could make it. not knowing what to do, i asked her to marry me, that way we would have housing, and a place to live.i felt responsible for her. i was not ready to be married., but i convinced my self that it could work out. The day we got married, i got very depressed. not because of her, but the fact that i was married, and i felt as if i was pushed into doing it. Well as time went on, money was definately an issue. that on top of my already resenting her for putting me in this situation, and i got very depressed. It didnt show at all until i got home. i would become angry and just ignore her. for the littlest things, for days at a time. well she began to get VERY violent and pphysically abusive when we would argue. She would do things like tell me she was going to the library and drive 8 hours away to our home state. This went on for about 6 months. One day an arguement got out of hand. she attacked me and threw a glass at me head. I ducked, but was very upset. when she charged me again, i threw her to the bed and kicked her in the stomach. it happened so fast, i hardley remember doing it. i quickly apologized and helped her up. I was late for work and had to get back. before i left she asked, what would make you happy right now, and i replied, if u werent here when i came home. when i arrived home she was not there. later that night the military police knocked on my door and arrested me for spousal abuse. she told them i had attacked her, and she was at a battered womans home. in the military, if convicted for spousal abuse, that is an automatic dishonerable discharge and possibly time in jail. i had just got in the military, and had to go through alot to get out of trouble, she eventually decided to tell the truth, but it was still to late and i was almost put out of the army. well soon after i got orders to go to germany. while on leave before moving to germany, we decided that she was not going to come. after about 5 months she came, once again kind of coercing me with altimatums*. we now live together, and are doing better, but what happened always lurks in my mind. i dont know if i can forgive her. Sorry for the spelliing errors, but i had to get it out while it was flowing. What do you guys think?

Tsubasa chronicles vs. case closed cocoon game...?

There is as a game system (cocoon game system) In tsubasa reservoir chronicles the anime (about ep 25), as well as in case closed movie 6: The Phantom of baker street. If anyone is as anime-crazed as I am and has watched both of these I just wanted to ask which one you would rather play. Both are pretty amazing (despite their major bugs...) and I was having a hard time deciding, I would like to hear what other people have to say. :D!!!

Can crazed lines on a tooth cause sensitivity?

i know cracks do, but what about crazed lines? i'm in so much pain, only sensitive to cold though not heat.

Why Can't I Use Pokemon Vortex?

I got a link from one of my friends to, but whenever I try to go there it always says "account suspended" even though I've never used before. Whats wrong with it?

Why do girls like to show off their bodies and act naughty?

Not to be sexist...but personally, I've come across a lot of remarks of how guys are all perverted and such. If so, then why is it that theres sooooo many girls who seem to act 'naughty' ? Even at parties, its the GIRLS that tend to go wild and start showing off their bodies as a reaction to the party craze. Most of the time its the girls who are having a blast and start to randomly take off their clothes. People are also always talking about how girls post naughty videos of themselves on the internet which guys dont do at all. Again, not trying to be sexist but I always used to think that girls were mostly all timid and innocent but now they seem more wild...? Is there a reason why they do this though? I know a lot of girls who used to be shy and now theyre constantly going to clubs and surrounding themselves with 'cool' and 'bad' people. What is it exactly that sets on some girls to always seem to be acting 'dirty'? Or why do they seem to have a desire for it? Is it the society that makes them do this or is it some kind of human instinct (lol)?

Is my site/domain hacked?

My web host just cancelled my account because of spamming. I never spam, but I downloadad a backup file of all my info and discovered a folder with the name ".log" filled with hundreds of html pages I would consider spam and that I obviously never created. These pages contain links that include my domain somehow. I moved to a new host, uploadad my files (from my hard drive, not the contaminated ones), redirected the DNS, but now on some computers I can see the new uploaded webpage, but on others I still am redirected to the "suspended account" from my previous host. I know it takes time por a DNS change to propagate, but is it normal to have two computers in the same home, one that can load the new website, and the other loads the old one? And also, on another computer, this morning I was able to see the new webpage, and now I get the old "suspended account" page from the previous host. Is this normal propagation behaviour? Is it possible my domain is in some sort of blacklist, and if so, why do I keep getting the old webpage even after the DNS are redirected??

I was coerce into pleading guilty at my job... what can I do in unemployment?

Get a real lawyer to represent you at the hearing or you really don't have a chance. The signed document is going to be impossible to deny.

I'm so sad, how can I be comforted?

I am not strong. I cry and pray all day, my heart is broken. I find no comfort and don't know what to do. I got suspended from my job and soon will lose it all together do to lies. I'm all alone with two kids and no other income. I don't understand why this happening to me. I'm a good Godly woman who takes care of her kids. Why are things just going wrong for me. What can I hope for when I don't see the future in this:(

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

DMV VA reinstatement fee?

I had a VA learners permit but it was suspended. I now live in DC and I tried getting a drivers license out here but they said I had to clear somethings up with the DMV VA first. I paid the reinstatement fee and I tried to surrender my permit but the woman said I had to take an 8 hour driver improvement course. But, I dont live in VA anymore so why am I still required to take a drivers improvement course? I spoke to 3 diffrent customer service representatives via phone and they told me that I can have that class waived. But when i went to the dmv today the woman told me that i still had to take the course. Do I still have to take the drivers improvement course?

When is this vampire craze going to end. And when it does what will be next, could be anything right?

It's probably zombies next, who knows. And obviously the whole vampire craze was started by preteens and their middle-age moms. As Freud would say, it's really about sex.

Are the heartless women right?

Women marry men expecting them to change, and men marry women expecting them to stay the same. Both are disappointed in the end.

Since CM Punk is suspended.. What's going to happen?

After Raw, Michael Cole said that there was going to be a match next week to decide the new #1 contender for the WWE Title. It would be R-Truth vs Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio.

If i got a written warning ticket, is my license suspended? did they run my info correct?

Got arrested for 2nd oui breath test refusal, pled out to a cwof 1st offender=3 yr suspension, But the rmv sent me my old id # from Mass saying that # is suspended. But my license when i got pulled over is from RI and still is, valid in my state RI but not in Mass. I got pulled over in MA yesterday driving to work, gave him my RI license and registration (freinds car) and in 5 minutes he came back and gave me a written warning and released me. Did he run my info correct? i know my right to operate in massachusettes is suspended, but i have 3 kids and and there mom left me, and a iraq/afghan marine vet. Also I have been sober since i got pulled over 2 yrs ago and attend aa meetings regularly, i know drinking and driving is not right and am embarrassed about the whole situation. If anyone can help me please do. So the question is- if i got a written warning for speeding does that meen the cop ran my info, and if he did, my suspension does not show up

Opinions on Morality?

When you read the first 5 books of the Bible..those scriptures were written by Moses. The laws that were established for the Nation of Israel were benchmark laws and did not exist before that time. Most of the world were amerced in pagan practices, barbaric behaviors and almost animalistic in nature. Read up on Aztecs, Mayans and ancient cultures of Rome and Greece. Pretty bad. You can thank the Jewish Nation for being the first to adhere to any type of morality as established by God in an immoral world.

Arrows to be used with mission craze compound bow?

i bought a mission craze compound bow and a few carbon express mutiny 250 arrows i wantedto know wether i can use them or any other arrow please suggest me a good arrow to use

How to scrape bacteria from agar plate?

I have 180 plates with hundreds thousand of single and each differentially unique colonies. I need to pool all the bacteria. The problem is some of the plates are stored in 4c for around one week and when I try to scrape them off, they are like mucus and very hard to resuspend them in broth. Even vortex doesn't help much. I try to pellet down the bacteria but there is no distinct pellet formed, but layers of insoluble "mucus". So I ended up only take the bottom layer and suspend it and discard all the upper layers. My question is: will it be possible the bacteria from the "old plates" (those that form mucus) is not present in the final bacteria suspension? As they are all in the mucus layers which I have already discarded. I just want to make sure my final bacteria suspension contains ALL the single unique bacteria from ALL the plates. Even one single bacteria will do.

My childs adoptive mother is demanding visits with my new son the adoption was closed,?

I am a Native American My daughter was adopted after I was told I had to sign my rights away. The Foster parent and the county worked together to get her my baby. 4 years later I had my son, CPS took him at birth (the county broke all the Indian Child Welfare laws and gave him to the people who had adopted my daughter). When the family was told they had to give him back they hid him on the reservation for 10 days. They had changed his name and were prepared to keep him. The court returned him to his father at first the father is white. The FP petetioned the court for sibling visits while the child was in his fathers care. When my son was returned to me all I was told that the visits were my responsabilty as the they were my chidren. These were not sibling visits they were a way for the former foster parent to have access to my child. This FP has told the child he is her brother not because I am her mother but because they want the child. They have taken the child with out my permission across county lines, not responded to my calls, i have no idea where they live. They kept my child for over 24 hrs. I was afraid they would never return my son.I no longer want them to be near my son. Now they are coercing the father to allow visits without my knowledge or permission. They are threatining him and telling him they can take my child. He is afraid to go against them. I will gladly allow vists in my home only and with out the parents. If sibling visits is realy thier agenda.

False Molestation Allegation?

This isn't about me and obviously I'm keeping the names out but a friend of mine is going through something really bad. Her husbands teenage daughter accused him of molesting her then coerced my friends 10yr old daughter to say he did it to her too. Eventhough the 10yr old has admitted that she lied and felt pressured they won't believe her. I've read all kinds of stories on how kids who are abused will recant because they're families torn apart but my friend has left the husband so there's no chance of them getting back together. This has been going on for almost a year now and the 10yr old is still claiming nothing happenned. I believe that my friend was forced to leave her husband, they made it clear that she wouldn't be able to have her daughter if she stayed married to him so I don't think it's because she believed something happenned. The thing is, they never arrested him. Is it possible at all that they could reunite as family and try to rebuild their lives? If DCF and CPC aren't involved and he was never arrested or even charged (they also only questioned him once and that was the day the accusation was brought to their attention), can they move on with their lives?

Dip dying extensions blue?

Hey, I really like the dip dyed (ombr� craze) but I don't wanna wreak my hair!! Is it possible to dip dye the ends of my real hair extensions (clip ins) blue? Will it look good? I was thinking of keeping 3 of my side extensions blonde( they go all around my head when in) and dying one whole head extension blue!? Will this look good? I have blonde hair. Thankyou!!

Help me please me how 2 stop wonted 2 cut my self ?

Hi i am a sweet girl with a disability i am in high school in the 10 grade since it almost summer lol i am a JR high school can be so mean okay i cut my self i am not proud of my self i feel so worthless my mom yells at me act like i don't help around i don't eye 2 eye with other people my so call friends never text me or call me in less i call them or text them they leave me out not all of my friends just some where i live i cant tell my mom that i cut she will think i am doing it 4 attention and i am not just a little i feel with so much hate i want 2 die but 2 scared 2 dose that make any sense ? i wont 2 be a singer/actress but some1 has 2 put me down and say that i would not make it i know i can sing sorry 4 the bad spelling i am in choirs i am seeing a therapist soon my mom dose not know i cut i take a Pinnacle down my wrists so the scars are not there i do have faith but i feel so alone scared i have try 2 kill my self my mom dose not know i did i am lucky 2 be alive i took strong pain killers i pray that it would go away and it did i am proud 2 say i don't cut i listing 2 music when i am upset or dance wright but i still feel like i wont 2 cut i have no1 2 talk 2 i don't even know why i go a ph1 i cry i feel sad i have anxiety i wont 2 committed suicide my mom yells at me about my weight so i have stop eating i have lost weight but i got scared that i might have anorexic so i start eating but i eat more of healthy food that i like i didn't think it would of have been addiction my teachers say that i might not be able 2 go 2 college so i brought up my grades i got a 3.09 and any Ward 4 it i feel like i am not important 2 my family or friends my family talk down 2 me so do other people they don't understand i am trying so hard 2 please every1 they only nice 2 me when they wont something i am so scared that i wont 2 die i get bullied i have freckles green eyes mixes with blue i do believe in God i could not walk or talk but i can now i don't look emo i never had a boyfriend but i don't care i will be famous soon if i live but i am just 2 scared and please don't say i am craze it run in the family lol i am always so sweet 2 people i just don't know what 2 do and i lie Alto i was Sexual assustl in the 3 grade and they said since i scream by 3 guys that they were going 2 tell every 1 that i made them do it and so some b******** told my mom that i made them do and i am so scared if i tell her what happened she will not believe she not a good person 2 talk i cant tell any1 at my school that i cut only 4 of my bffs know i cut my self so how can i tell some1 with out telling my mom =(

Thoughts? The title is Puppet Master?

I usually am very harsh on rating things but i actually give this a poe worthy rating of 10. Your wording and imagery is amazingly well done and works very well together. great job and one of the best poems i've seen in a long while.

What is wrong with steam?

i used to have a steam account a few years back. every time i try and log in it says my account has been suspended or something, and when i try to make a new account it doesn't work and says please try later. can someone help?

Whose at fault? Me or my parents?

Doesn't seem like all the required information to make a real opinion about this is there. Most people have a hard life. It's better to not dwell on what could have been. Instead weigh your new options. It might not be the life you've dreamed for yourself but most of us are in the same boat on that. Don't waste your time worrying so much about your parents. Take time for yourself. Get some sleep. You would be surprised at how different a day can be with enough z's. It's not how you got there that matters. It's where you can take yourself from there. Anything is possible with enough determination and hard work. Just keep your chin up and roll with the punches until you can be who you want. We have all had parents and not many of them are quick to let children be themselves. Wish you the best and I hope this helps even the littlest bit.

Hair colour idea's :)?

It depends on your skin and eye color. But deep chocolate is a color that matches everyone and also dark brown is a color that will bring out any eye color. Anyways, I'd say stick to the naturals! For me, jet black, cherry, purple or ashy blonde hair are hideous.

Was I harrassed by this landlord?

I'm sorry... I just don't believe any of this. If it is true, then call the police. Most people would have done that the second they were away from the guy.

Does any one else know the difference between the way liberals and conservatives speak?

Do you notice a trend in those terms? They seem to move in the direction of Liberals taking action against Conservatives, now don't they? A term like, "well protected" suggests a mindset totally different than "heavily armed" for instance. You can look at the term and see what is on the person's mind and usually it is a Conservative wanting to be left alone and a Liberal trying to do something to him.

The fact that CM Punk is "suspended" not released means that the shoot promo was a work?

Obviously it was a worked shoot and during the tv taping last night following the live Raw that will air on next weeks Raw, Punk was reinstated by Vince.

Are you a fan of Justin Bieber ?

Im soooo tired of him. He's so full of himself and half of the world's teenage tween population is swooning over him. Even my 7 year old cousin is swooning over him !!!! I'm ready for this phase to be over. I was ok with Miley Cyrus because she was ok ( at first ) she was down to earth and REAL, Justin Bieber is just some made up ... brat. How do you feel ? I think he just got wayyyy too spoiled not to say that Miley Cyrus didn't but, i frown upon Miley for the choices she has made lately but Justin makes Miley look sooo much better. Why can't people pay this much attention to Taylor Swift ?? She's a GREAT artist and SHE IS REAL, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HUGE CRAZE OVER HER ?!??!?!?!?

Why and how did Dubstep suddenly become popular?

I have been a big fan of electronic music for quite some time now but why has Dubstep become so popular lately? Within the last year or so it seems like Dubstep went from being a relatively obscure genre to a well known craze. A lot of people who don't know any electronic music now think its "cool" to listen to Dubstep. Don't get me wrong dubstep is totally okay and some of it is really good but I think there is better electronic music out there. What made it so popular all the sudden?

Dragon Age Origins question?

I am on the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest and they leader of the cult actually was able to coerce a dragon not to kill me and my group, does that mean what he is doing is right? If he is able to get past the guardian doesn't that mean that the blood could actually work, I mean yes Wryne and Leliana would hate me for it but I am considering doing it, any opinions?


So, my wife and I had decided to go to a late night movie. We did not have a babysitter and this kind gentleman called Pedro Bayer with a thick mexican mustache came to our house. He said he really likes lollies-which i assumed to be lollipops and i thought that he could identify with the children. When we got home we couldnt find Pedro Bayer or the kids, and I am so scared that the kids and Pedro Bayer were kidnapped by a crazed burglar. Help me find them please!

When you watch the exorcist of emily rose do you ever get the feeling that?

it is kind of rouse to get that female lawyer.... like maybe even the letter that supposedly emily wrote was not actually her writing it or perhaps she was coerced into writing it... and like the fact that the defense wants to build a case around it sort of shows what a wild goose chase it is bc that lawyer is in wayyy over her head

Does my boyfriend really love and respect me?

he thinks its "dumb" to wait for marriage right? and you think its "dumb" to have sex before marriage, so no he is not disrespecting you, if he wants sex and you dont then you shouldnt be together, but he is not disrespecting you, at the end of the day you believe in whatever you want and he can do the same

Help!! My cockatiel seems sick!! D:?

My cockatiel, Shannon, has laid 3 eggs recently and my male cockatiel, Shadow, has been very aggressive toward anything that moved. Shadow always seems so kind and caring one second and then the next, he's a crazed killer and just about rips poor Shannon apart :( Her feet are all torn apart and stripped of skin. We want to separate them but shannon needs the box of eggs to lay eggs and shadow needs to sit on the eggs. I was just wondering if Shannon will be alright, she can barely walk and hold onto perches. My mom wouldn't let me clean her wounds so theres still blood all over her. My mom refuses to let me wash Shannon's feet and then dry them wen they are clean. She instead made Shannon sit there bleeding for half an hour until it dried. Now the blood is stained everywhere on her feet and feathers. My mom had to be stubborn.

How do I tell my parents I don't want to go to medical school and become a doctor?

Becoming a doctor is not a casual decision, most medical schools will not be happy by your age (Serious) when you apply (shows lack of life experience; immaturity; etc.). First, investigate the average stats/age/clinical and volunteer experience/leadership positions/MCAT scores most Pre-Med's have who have been/are accepted at a given Medical school; compare that with your own, and show your parents. They shouldn't be too stubborn to deny numbers.

Why cant i get a guy?

okay so i think personally i give great advise for relationships and all of my friends always ask me why i dont have a boyfriend, i ask myself that too, i mean i am a boy crazed teenager and i flirt a lot, (i think) anyways, people say im way to picky but i dont think so, as long as they dont smoke do drugs and have a good personality i will go for them, but it seems that the only guys that end up liking me are the ones that are desperate and ask out anyone, i have a low self esteem but i never show it, people tell me im pretty i dont always believe it but back to the subject, does anyone think im too picky, i tend to go for the skaters. i like muscle but only a little. most is a four pack. they have to like music. lol thats honestly all i can think of.

Why do people do "passive aggression" usually? and how?

They have a mental sickness and can be very intelligent people..Once you recognize they are passive-aggressive you must be willing to be flexible with them until they get help..Don't put demands on them and know that their behavior is out of their control..And yes, they can spend time obsessing over ways to 'get even'..They best attitude to have with someone you love that has this disorder is for you to be calm..Almost like dealing with a child..

Have you ever seen the cone-ing craze happen in real?

Or have you tried it yourself? What do you think of it? For those who don't know what it is, it's basically ordering a soft serve cone from a Maccas drive-thru and holding it by the ice-cream then eating it bottom-up.

Isnt it better to lie than to say the truth when the truth will cause pain?

If it was annulled, your slate was wiped clean. Don't mention it again! It's not a lie, it's true. In the eyes of the law you were never married. If you love your fiance and she loves you, it won't matter.

Monday, July 18, 2011

CM Punks suspension WAS a WORK? Spoilers inside!?

you already spoiled it saying it was a work..... sigh. just another example of the internet trying to ruin a perfectly planned angle

Why Are People Still Forced/Coerced To Slave For And Pay The English Monarchy?

That's your problem. We pay for a large number of politicians who soak up money and don't do anything.

How do I bear finding out my boss and a coworker are distantly related?

Huh? Honey, you were probably let go because you look into stuff too much. You are over analyzing and trying too hard. Guess what? There are going to be lots of people in your life who are pain in the butts, or just downright don't like you. Get over it. You're trying to be something you're not, and you sound like you may have a bit of a temper (although, given your situation, it was probably stress.) CALM DOWN. Be yourself, and don't try to be something you're not. YOU probably hurt YOUR chances by being verbally abusive, flicking your boss off (maybe she did see it after all?) and finally, yelling at your boss. If future employers are calling your boss, she can't lie for you. If you were honestly verbally abusive, she's going to say that you can be difficult to handle. If you yelled at her, she may have told them you are not afraid to stand up for yourself under any circumstances. Your downfall happened because you let it happen.

Is This Spolier True !!!!!!!!!!!?

ya it is for the next raw and if cena loses he will get fired so this makes the match more fun to watch

Why dose Y! Answers..?

Why dose it suspend your email!! I mean a email is the most important thing in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why cant they just banned us from Y!Answers instead!

What happens in a youth diversion program?

A Youth Diversion Program is set to help you avoid going to Juvie by (1) educating you about the consequences of your actions, (2) attempting to get you to make better choices and friends. Instead of focusing on your punishment (there's nothing you can do about it now) focus on what you can do to avoid repeating the process or ending up in juvenile hall.

WWE.COM just said vince suspended CM Punk!?

What are your thoughts? I believe that this is what the WWE wanted so that punk would not have to leave the wwe with the title!

Got suspended for not letting supervisor that someone was stealing from one of his stores?

i work for mc Donald's for over four years, one day my brother, a friend and me went to another mc Donald's to say hi to a friend, they were already closing and my brother ask him if he can have some pies, the employee give him the pies and by this time the manager on duty didn't said anything so i thought was ok because they had already close and they were trowing that to the waste, next day i heard that the employee and manager got fired for giving out two pies and apparently it was my fault too because im a manger from another store and didn't no body know what were they doing, so i went to day almost a week and my supervisor told me that i should let him know and as a manager im representing mc Donald's, thought it was stupid first of all i wasn't warring my uniform and i didn't took anything do think he is correct i should i do something please help me out

Posting a "Job Needed" on Craigslist..Please Help?

I am a 20 year old man with a son and a fiance to support were residing in my mothers house. Our meager finances coerced us to break the lease of our studio apartment where we thought we would start our lives as independant parents. I am in desperate need of work, since we moved in with my mother I have had no motivation and i need to break free. I have acquired over three years in experience with resteraunt work, two in factory work, and have a little experience as a cashier. If you can help me think of a title for the posting to catch the eye of an employer and tell me what i should filter out to keep a professional dispostion I'd appreciate it. I dont know if it helps to make the aware i am desperate. But im ready to work and need help

Im 17 and i got my first traffic ticket going 80 in a 60.?

is there any chance that my liscence will be suspended until im 18? it was my first time EVER being pulled over. i was very respectful, i had my drivers and registration ready, and im sad to admit, but i was very shaky and very afraid. will being afraid count against me? and what is the chance about being suspended until 18?

Spiritually speaking, can we change the R&S drinking game?

I know that we *drink* whenever redundant questions and remarks are thrown up on here (e.g. Pascal's wager & Atheists relying on "logic"), but since I am on a fitness craze right now (finished my 60 days of Insanity recently), how about instead of a *drink*, we opt for one of the following: 1 pushup, 1 situp (crunch), 1 jumping jack, or 1 body squat. If R&Sers did that, they would look good and feel better about themselves. Any thoughts?

They are taping next week's Raw right now, and if Punk is really suspended, does that mean WWE has to?

rewrite everything they had set up regarding Punk and Cena for next week's raw (which is being taped now due to them going overseas next week) during the taping thats going on now.

Michigan drivers responibility fee?

I live in michigan and i owe a drivers responsibility fee and was wondering if i miss my payment date but send it in the day after will my license be suspended

Can I get some objective advice from an elder about work?

You sound like you are living a miserable life. You are not the first guy to ever experience this kind of thing. My own cousin had a powerful job, but was stressed beyond belief. He decided in order to save his own life, he would have to give it all up. He lived simply and worked low key jobs and lived life on many beaches of the world. He was calm and happy and never poor. Perhaps you would be happier if you changed your lifestyle.You can live on 50,000 and be happy, or make lots more and keep hiding out and keep lying for a living. From where I sit, it is a no brainer!

Is It Ok For A Guy To Love Yaoi?

Well, I'm not straight. But for 4 years I've been reading and watching yaoi like a crazed fangirl. Are there any other yaoi fanboys out there?

Recommendations for a prosumer CAMCORDER?

you show me a dSLR that has SMPTE timecode, genlock, SDI output, XLR mic inputs, headphone audio monitor and maybe it could be compared to a 3 CCD Canon XL H1. go for the H1.

What does GameStop's ad mean?

You get the 40% greater trade value when you turn in a game as compared to normal price, and that amount goes towards the pre-order of any E3 releases.

Warning: Spoilers for Next Weeks Raw?

this is a great storyline, and i think punk will actually win this and the winner of the MITB match will cash in and win it, but its in punks home town and they dont wanna make the crowd mad, and if cena does lose then it would be a great way for cena to be written of TV and heal up his injuries before WM 28

Do you think Selena Gomez has a chubby face?

Well I thnk she's fairly good looking. Her face is more of a wider shape, which is I guess what you mean by chubby. She DOES have a baby face. If you look at the audition tapes of her when she just started on Disney and her now, her face looks practically the same.

Why won't Gillette call their 6-bladed disposable razors something awesome like "Sextetual Dynamo"?

Confidence in marketing department wavering. Consumer loyalty has been suspended due to complete and total lameness.

I have a question about building a deck.?

So i'm building a deck at my house. It's a pretty simple design, a free-standing, low-profile deck with the 2x6 joists suspended between the beams using joist-hangers, instead of resting on top. The plan I'm following calls for 1/4 inch gaps between the ends of the joists and the beams, instead of having the joists butt up against the beams. Why? I've already completed this step, and I'm all set to lay down the planking, but I just want to understand why it's supposed to be this way.

Did you send me an email saying my account would be suspended?

did you send me an email saying my account would be suspended in 24 hours if I didn't give my name , password, DOB, occupation & County?

I need help with a fantasy story?

I've been working on this story about werewolves for a while now. (No, Twilight did not inspire me). And the story, characters, and plot are coming naturally to me. But I keep hearing all of this backlash regarding werewolves because they are "overused". I thought the vampire and werewolf craze would die down eventually, but they keep making more crap such as Teen Wolf, which is making people hate werewolves even more. I thought my story line was original enough since it did not include a werewolf-human paranormal romance, high school, or vampires. Not to mention the protagonist was a female and I rarely see female werewolves. So I tried using different fantasy creatures but it halted my story and my ideas ebbed away. I don't know what to do. Should I still write about werewolves even though people think they are overused, or should I try a different fantasy creature?

Why does he keep trying to make me Christian?

I am in 7th grade and i have decided i dont believe in god. my freind, a catholic, keeps trying to covert me and wont stop. i have told him that i wont become a christian and i am really tired of him asking. he wont stop and one day we got into a really bad fight that broke his nose and got us suspended. i am really depressed right now because he is calling me the devil and how i will burn in hell and how i have no soul. please help i have to go see a threripist but its not helping. dont tell me to convert or that i really am evil also.

Never had a boyfriend before?

I am at the same spot except im thirteen all my friends want me to have a boy friend Lol idc i just say what ever im a effing nerd i am really crazy though u are pretty and dont be so mad about ur face every ones face actually does that . Friends mak it seem effing easy to get a guy but most are slutty whores LOL i think you shudnt care and thats a really long question i almost passed out LOL jk do u have alot of guy frendz? just dnt pay attention to all your frendz they are crazy trust me you can manage to get threw many years of school with out a guy trust me my brother did so and he just graduated he a nerd a perv and one of the most popular guys at the school he used to go to but dont worry u will survive

Is this Plasma 3D-TV a good buy?

yes. they are usually EXTREMELY expensive so you should snatch that up. Just make sure it isn't refurbished or nothings wrong with it because it is a very low price.

WWE has already taped next week's Monday Night RAW, so here's proof that CM Punk's promo was scripted?

Alberto Del Rio must be pissed off.....It seems like a great story though. Better than anything they have done in a long time.

What are reasons to get suspended from Yahoo Answers?

One serious violation might be enough to get an account suspended. Getting multiple minor violations may get an account suspended too. It really depends on the severity of the violation. Really why risk violating the community guidelines?

Does a license suspension mess up the 6 month permit thing?

I had my license suspended on April 23, 2011 for 90 days for on July 23, It is unsuspended. I have taken all the classes I need and paid my ticket and have the 500 dollars for the reinstatement fee. I have to retake the written and road test, but because I am 17 does that mean I have to redo the 6 months with a permit thing. And do I need to redo drivers ed or the passenger restricition seeing that I already completed those.

WWE Punk Shoot----> Real or Scripted?

I'm leaning towards scripted, but a lot of the stuff he said had so much truth, and he wasn't a character, he was himself. It was just, I think, the best promo I've ever seen. Disagree? I'm also beginning to think it was scripted because at around 10:58-11 I saw the WWE logo sign as if they aniticipated cutting off abruptly. I also think it was scripted because wouldn't they have stopped him long after he got to he bully campaign? LIke where he insulted VInce's family and even said that the WWE would have been better off if he was dead. I do think that it wasn't scripted in some parts because he did bring up other companies. ROH for example and Matt Hardy did this before and got in trouble as well, but he was also brought back. I'm hoping that even if they do "suspend" Punk and have a new contender, which is what they said, that Punk runs interference at Money in the Bank and just steals the title and runs off with it. I truly hope this is a work because this was the best thing to have happened to the WWE in ages and I would hate to see this go. Your thoughts? Please don't rip me a new one if you found out other information regarding the legitimacy of the promo. Thanks! Oh and Cena is going to get ripped a new one come July 17th in Chicago.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is it legal to have cameras in drug screening bathrooms?

im in a methadone clinic for opiates abuse, i have been for 5 yrs, and i am proud if where i am right now!! my problem is today i had to screen and they have put a live feed camera in the bathroom instead of an actual person watching. I think this is inhumane to no give me the choice of having a person or a camera, i mean the minutes after you have screened when your cleaning yourself is private and i dont feel people should watch me after the fact..i mean, im a recovering drug addict not a homicidal maniac on death row or a crazed person on suicide watch, can they legally do this?

Do you think that states which coerce their people, can be stable and durable?

You mean like a totalitarian state? Stable as long as the state can use the power of force to control the people, yes, but history indicates that eventually these states come to a boiling point.

Last nights raw cm punk mic was cut off after what he said and vince suspended him?

was the suspension real or is this a story line? if this is a story line what will happen next? also how long will they milk the anonomys general manager thing. it has gone on too long.

What Are Some Good DS Games?

Dragon Quest 9, Final Fantasy 3 & 4, Pokemon HeartGold, The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, Animal Crossing, Chocobo Tales.

Can i register a car that my boyfriend bought me im the cosigner and hes gone and i have the car?

well hes not gonna be around for three years and suspended license for five and i need the car to be registered

Do you agree with this Tao Wisdom on marriage & relationship?

"the western way of "chasing" orgasm is unhealthy and contradicts the laws of nature, since "exaggerated" ejaculation can have some negative impact on males' well-being and health. According to Chang, "coerced" ejaculation is the most wide-spread cause of impotence. He says, that, instead of trying to reach an orgasm by any means, you should rather try to enjoy hour-lasting extasy with your partner,when you are sexually united with him or her, and that this will have an incredible positive effect on both your physical an mental health, and you will feel much better than after any orgasm. Furthermore this way of making love would reconcile man woman and end the "gender-war", since through taoism the woman will finally get the amount of love, care and physical satisfaction she needs, and the man is no longer forced to "prove" he is a "real man", since his fear of "failing" is taken away from him. Also no woman will any longer regard herself as "frigid", when she realizes that sexual satisfaction does not necessarily go along with an orgasm. It is to be well-noticed, that these ideas were developed in ancient China 500 B.C. !"

Why does my bio mom hate me? Why am I not good enough for her family?

My bio mom gave me up for adoption when I was born and my adoption hasn't been that good. My adoptive dad and mom divorced a little bit after my adoption and I never saw him after I was 1. My mom then started dating a bunch of guys that would beat her (and sometimes me) and she would go on and off prescription drugs to deal with the pain. I'm 17 and I currently live with a friend of my mom's but honestly, she could care less about me. She's only letting me live here because my mom just recently got arrested. I found out 3 years ago from my mom who my bio parents were (it was a personally adoption not through an agency) and a year ago I finally got the courage to call my bio mom. I explained to her who I was and she said she wanted to meet me. I thought this will be the chance to finally have a mother that loves me. When I met her, we talked about each other's lives and I found out she's married to my bio dad and that I have 3 sisters and a brother. When I asked if I could meet them, she told me no. She then told me that she didn't want anything to do with me. I didn't understand. I asked her why and she said "because I gave you up a long time ago......forever and I want you to stay gone". I was so upset. I asked why she gave me up and she said at that point in her life she wasn't ready for a child, not that she was underage, or poor, or coerced or any reason that I've always imagined why I was given up. I was so angry. I told her she should have gotten an abortion instead then I went into detail about how much my life sucked because of my adoption. She then said "That's terrible but that's not my problem, its yours. I thought they were nice people" then she left. I called multiple times everyday demanding to know more. How can someone say something like that? After a week, I finally got in contact with my bio dad and he offered to explain the whole situation to me. I thought he sounded nice, but what he had to tell me made me feel so much worse. My parents gave me away to strangers mind you that they were: 24 years old, out of college, had good paying jobs, their own place, their own things, and were married. I wanted to die. His excuse? "We just weren't ready". My little sister is 2 years younger than me. What the hell could have happened in 2 years to magically make them ready? I feel so depressed. I've tried to reach out to them, to get to know my siblings but they ignore my calls and letters, and my bio mom sent me a Facebook message saying "you need to stop harassing my family before I call the cops". Her family? Aren't they my family too? I just don't matter to anyone. I don't understand why they did this to me. I don't care what any of you pro-lifers say, I'd rather have been aborted than to live with this pain inside of me.

Can I still sue Dodge?

Never sue Dodge! I love them!!!!...but they don't make very good vehicles.....but what can u expect from american made anything these days....

Why do feminists coerce people into joining their group?

by telling people if they aren't feminists then they are misogynists who want to deprive women of basic human rights. Does anyone find this awfully convenient, since nobody wants to be called a misogynist, pretty much forcing a person to take on the feminist label and blindly agree with everything feminists do

My daughter's adoptive mother is demanding visits with my new son. Calling them sibling visit.?

I am a Native American my daughter was adopted after I was told I had to sign my rights away. I think the Foster parent and the county worked together to get her my baby. 4 years later I had my son, CPS took him at birth (the county broke all the Indian Child Welfare laws and gave him to the people who had adopted my daughter). When the family was told they had to give him back they hid him on the reservation for 10 days. They had changed his name and were prepared to keep him. The court returned him to his father at first. (the father is white). The FP petitioned the court for sibling visits while the child was in his fathers care. When my son was returned to me all I was told that the visits would be up to me as the they were my children. These were not sibling visits they were a way for the former foster parent to have access to my child. This FP has told the daughter he is her brother not because I am her mother but because they want the child. They have taken the child with out my permission across county lines, not responded to my calls, i have no idea where they live. They kept my child for over 24 hrs. I was afraid they would never return my son.I no longer want them to be near my son. Now they are coercing the father to allow visits without my knowledge or permission. They are threatening him and telling him they can take my child. He is afraid to go against them. I will gladly allow visits in my home only and with out the parents. If sibling visits is really their agenda.

Why do people bash potential adoptive parents?

Allanas said it better than I could have done. In order to get what you want, a child must lose *everything*: their identity, their heritage, even their freaking name. If you want to be a parent, adopt from foster care. Babies belong with their mothers.

Buying a Royal Enfield?

its a good choice of buying an enfield...if its a used one as u say,i don feel its worth of 60k...u can buy a new one instead...its not a big deal to learn,it depends on ur craze an interest.the looks and handling totally rests wit ur physical ability an persona....its suits to both lean an fat bodies...give some weightage to height matters.thunderbird wud be a good choice.anywys happy riding.

My license was suspended?

Okay so I was truant during my freshman and sophomore year. The first time I was called to court for being truant was in 2009: I had my license privileges suspended, I had to pay a fine, and I had to pay for the community service that they made me do. It happened again the following year only I was almost eighteen (I turned eighteen on Jan 29). They suspended it on Dec 18 of 2010, so it's been over six months. The court representative told me a year, but do I really have to wait? I need to drive to get to my job.

Do you think the UN attacks on Libya are terrorism?

yes . They went in to libya saying it is to protect civilians. And with civilian casualties they are determined to kill gaddafi which is not their right though gaddafi has committed many crimes, they brought him back to international arena recently with so much of fanfare and UK released the person charged with crimes as per the wishes of mr. Gaddafi. It shows the bankruptcy of western governments.

I need help with a story?

I've been working on this story about werewolves for a while now. (No, Twilight did not inspire me). And the story, characters, and plot are coming naturally to me. But I keep hearing all of this backlash regarding werewolves because they are "overused". I thought the vampire and werewolf craze would die down eventually, but they keep making more crap such as Teen Wolf, which is making people hate werewolves even more. I thought my story line was original enough since it did not include a werewolf-human paranormal romance, high school, or vampires. Not to mention the protagonist was a female and I rarely see female werewolves. So I tried using different fantasy creatures but it halted my story and my ideas ebbed away. I don't know what to do. Should I still write about werewolves even though people think they are overused, or should I try a different fantasy creature?

Vaginal pain upon sitting?

It hurts so much. My boyfriend and I weren't intimate for a couple of months because we were traveling and such. Well...we were a little bit a couple of nights ago, and a lot last night. In those couple of months' vagina shrunk a lot. Last night I think we over-did it (AGAIN,) and it stretched out (AGAIN). It deff. feels like it did the last time this happened, also the muscles above it and in my tummy hurt a little. What do you recommend for the pain? It feels a little better every passing hour...but it still hurts pretty badly. We've been together 3 years and are monogamous. We have both been negative for any STDS..and at my last OB/GYN appointment in October...everything looked and felt fine. I had a bladder infection a week or so ago but it's I don't think that had anything to do with it. I TREATED THE BLADDER please, no preaching about THAT. CM is starting and thus the period's right around the corner, too. The only one that gave a reasonable answer so far is the first one. I do not have insurance atm and until there really IS something to worry about, I refuse to be coerced into worrying. Like "Azo," their products are GREAT. But they fear-monger you into thinking the only way to get rid of a bladder infection is antibiotics. This happened before...and everything was fine a couple of days later. I JUST CANNOT, FOR THE LIFE OF ME, REMEMBER HOW I TREATED THE SLIGHT OWIES!